Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Pros and Cons of Cable TV

     Most of the people in America have cable or satellite TV, which has it's upsides,but it also has a lot of down sides.  Now most of Americans reading this probably couldn't think of life without cable.  Well my family doesn't have cable anymore,and I know some others who don't.

     But lets start of with the pros.  Pro number 1 is more variety".  Yes there are more channels,but lets face it that just means that there is more bad shows to watch.  I know there are some good channels out there but there are even more shows that are complete garbage for the spirit.  

Television Satellite from the Public Domain

     Pro number 2 is "all the wholesome shows".  You see that was a trick question.The max of wholesome shows on a modern channel is one or two.  The only channels that have more are retro or a channel where they talk about the Bible(in a good way),but even then there are shows that I avoid.  Unfortunately that's all the pro's I could think of.  

     Now on to cons.  Con number one 1 is the trashy shows can be like a bomb destroying half your brain cells.  Yeah,  I think that sums it up.  Con number 2 is way too much to pay.  If you are paying hundred dollars a month for twenty shows out of 999 channels,all I have to say to you is...why?  !There is such a thing as Netflix!  Con number 3 is too much application added.  By that I mean all the buttons that do something strange like when your about to press the volume button and accidentally hit the button next to it and you hear a loud noise and run outside, "How did the garage?!"

    Well I'm gonna end this now.  For the kids of the parents who saw this and said, "Wow! That's a good idea.", please don't maul me.   Okay.  I was you once but after awhile, you turn on Netflix, sit down and never look back.  I hope you enjoyed reading this.  Thank you.